Assistance Saved Cynthia From Eviction

The day before Thanksgiving I rolled my ankle coming down some stairs. It took a few days to get into an urgent care (I don’t have insurance and it was a holiday). When I finally made it I was told it was a bad break in my fifth metatarsal and that I wouldn’t be able to work for at least 9 weeks, which eventually became 13. I had a very good doctor who worked with me on a cash pay basis. 

About 6 weeks after my accident, I became really worried about this financial and emotional burden, so I reached out to Giving Kitchen originally to get counseling resources on sliding-scale pay. I was in a pretty bad place emotionally. Talía really encouraged me to move forward with the assistance application. I had concerns about taking financial resources that might be better suited for people who were worse off than me. 

While this was one of the hardest times in my adult life, I knew I’d figure something out. I know lots of people are worse than I’ve had it. Talía assured me many people feel this same way. I have always prided myself on being the person that helps and never needs help themselves - much of my self worth was wrapped in that identity. Learning to accept help graciously has been a real gift for me and made me realize I want to focus more on helping in my community and not just within my social or family circle. It’s been a real gift that Giving Kitchen has done for me, and I’ll do everything I can to pay it forward.

It’s been 5 months since I’ve had any income. I can’t describe the impact this money has made. It literally kept me from being evicted. Giving Kitchen helped me not stress about my rent.

Giving Kitchen was there for Cynthia when she needed us most, and GK will be here for food service workers for other food service workers like her in the future.

Support them by giving to Giving Kitchen today.